How To Use Templates Version 3: Deluxe e-book

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EVERYTHING there is to know about using print templates

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Everything there is to know about how to use templates
This e-book was designed to be a all-in-one resource for everything about print templates. This book covers over 15 years of printing knowledge all distilled down for the beginner artist while giving tips and tricks along the way for the most seasoned artist. 

Your new textbook
With the lack of shared universal information in the print & design industry, we noticed there was no one resource to learn about file set up, saving, template use, or even file management. We decided to write down everything we knew about print templates and put it in a pdf that can easily be downloaded to your computer, iPad, or phone to take it with you and reference while you work anywhere in the world. 

Version 3 deluxe
This version is a long awaited update that has the most indepth and up to date information about templates now all in one e-book. This e-book now covers working on a computer & iPad with templates for art prints, risograph, buttons + badges, USPS mailable postcards & other basic templates. This book also covers how to save your file, generating cloud based links, file naming, organization, tips for selling your art, how to order printed goods, & more!

Info For Humans

01. 81 Page interactive PDF
02. Covering template anatomy
03. Step by step how to's
04. Save, send, & order information
05. File set up & organization 
06. Adobe Photoshop + Adobe illustrator + Procreate support
07. Interactive reference links
08. Insights on how templates work
09. Tips for retail & selling along the way
10. Interactive quiz at the end! [with hyperlinked answer key]
11. Free with the download of any template!

Helpful Resources for everybody

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EVERYTHING there is to know:
about using print templates