Make Knock Out Stickers

$26.00 - $688.25
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Cut Twice Now Your Sticker Has a Hole In It!
Pick Your Sticker Look & Feel Required
I understand a cut line proof will be sent to my email in 24-72 hours for approval before printing (Mon-Fri) Required

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When you just need an extra hole
Sometimes your art or designs just don't look great with a giant white void of background in the center of your sticker that has nothing going on. So let’s cut it out!

Cut twice for more sticker fun
The larger the gap the better it looks! Things like donuts, ouija planchette, large gaps in a logo, or anything your want that could benefit from a hole! Your knock out stickers will draw some serious attention with their eye catching holes.

*Design Tip*
Try to keep the knock out area around 0.5 inch minimum for best results 

Info For Humans

01. Cut completely through twice!
02. Permanent adhesive vinyl
03. UV blocking coating
04. Choice of 7mil Gloss or 9mil Silk matte
05. Water & weather proof
06. Machine cut
07. 12 color archival pigment ink
08. Printed in the RBG color space 

File Information to Keep Things Smooth

01. We make the cut line/s for free for you
02. RGB files preferred [sRGB IEC61966-2.1]
03. 300 dpi resolution minimum 
04. File types accepted: PDF | TIFF | PSD | JPEG | AI 
05. Needs 1/2 inch extra background color/art if no white border is selected (full bleed) 

Proofing Information

A digital proof will be sent to you for your approval before printing via email 24-72 hours after ordering during normal business days highlighting exactly where your sticker will be cut, scored, or punched with color coded lines. [color lines on proof will not print on final sticker]

*Proof must be approved before printing begins*

Helpful Resources for Everybody

Product Image Example Artwork Credit: Designed in house

Cut Twice:
Now Your Sticker Has a Hole In It!